Latest Episodes
Episode 61
May 30, 2023
Healing of a Mute Man
Why would Satan make a person mute? Satan tries to hurt God and destroy His people in many ways and forms. The educated, soft-spoken,...
Episode 62
June 01, 2023
Second Galilean Tour
This second tour through the villages of Galilee - as the first one - focuses primarily on preaching the gospel and teaching the principles...
Episode 63
June 13, 2023
Widow of Nain
Jesus resurrects a widow's deceased son without being asked. What moves Jesus to initiate and execute every step of the process? Moreover, this miracle...
Episode 64
June 15, 2023
Sin Against the Spirit
If we want, we always find reasons for unbelief. The Jewish leaders in the time of Jesus could not deny His miracles but accused...
Episode 65
June 17, 2023
Who's Jesus Family
In this story, Jesus looks cold, distant, or disrespectful toward His family. But the key to unlocking this story is John 7:5. Moreover, Jesus...
Episode 66
June 20, 2023
Christ's Parables
Matthew 13:10-17, 34-35 raises many questions, the foremost of which is, Why does Jesus speak in parables? This episode is a general introduction to...